Your guide to

Growing in harmony with nature


1:1 Coaching

Beginning a journey into gardening can be hugely rewarding and a way to reconnect with nature. Laura will educate on the correct techniques and methods while maintaining the most sustainable practices.

Garden plans and planting schemes

Explore how to develop your garden at your own pace with a low cost approach. With a focus on the correct plant in the right place, Laura will create an easy to follow planting guide.

Career Advice

Perhaps you are interested in stepping into a career in Horticulture. Laura understanding how difficult this can be with little experience under your belt.

Improving your relationship with nature

Try something new

Begin exploring your relationship with the natural world by growing a selection of vegetables in your growing space.

Explore my best tips for beginner gardeners

Target Specific Issues

If you are struggling with a specific area in your garden, get in touch. Together we can create an appropriate plan for you to get the most out of your space.

Schedule a consultation